I heard a line in a song "just because you have a nightmare you don't stop dreaming".. Meaning just because things didn't go the way you expected them to you dont give up. I dont think when you failed at one thing, you should give up on everything. We tend to over think things or put ourselves down in so many ways that we tend to not realize it.
Life is full of failed moments and moments we succeed in. Life is full of those deep down lows and those really high highs. The moment that we don't learn from a failed moment we have failed ourselves. We should look at each day as a new moment to learn from what we did or even didn't do yesterday. It's kind of like a business you may not have done a formulation right, you don't stop because it came out wrong you trace your steps and redo it differently. And from that your are succeeding better than you did when you started out.
In life you have to make it in your mind that failure isn't an option. I put this practice into everything I do. Whether it is business, yoga, relationships, or just life itself.. I adjust and readjust to how I need things to go. Now dont get me wrong failure will happen in relationships just make sure it isn't your failure.
How do you see your life??